Luisa Herrera

Luisa Herrera Luisa Herrera, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Human Genetics Program, ICBM
Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile
Phone: +56 (2) 978-6976


  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Human Genetics, National Institutes of Health, NIH
  • Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University of Chile
  • Biochemist, University of Concepción

Lines of Research

  • Genetics, Epigenetics and Farmacogenetics of mood disorders.
  • Genetic of rare Mendelian disorders.

Selected Publications

  • Fernández-Guasti A, Fiedler J, Herrera L, and Handa JR Sex, Stress and Mood Disorders: At the intersection of Adrenal and Gonadal Hormones. Horm Metab Res 2012; 44: 1–12
  • Romero P, Sanhueza F, Lopez P, and Herrera L*.  2011 c.194 A>C (Q65P) mutation in the LMX1B gene in patients with Nail Patella syndrome associated with glaucoma. Molecular Vision  17:1929-39 *Corresponding author.
  • González S, Aguilera S, Alliende C, Urzúa U, G Quest AF, Herrera L, Molina C, Hermoso M, Ewert P, Brito M, Romo R, Leyton C, Pérez P, González MJ. (2011) Alterations in type I-hemidesmosome components suggest epigenetic control in salivary glands from Sjögren’s Syndrome patients. Arthritis Rheum. 63:1106-15
  • Romero P, Moraga M, Herrera L*. (2010) Different phenotypes of lattice corneal dystrophy type I in patients with 417C>T (R124C) and 1762A>G (H572R) mutations in TGFBI (BIGH3). Mol Vis. 2010 Aug 13;16:1601-9. *Corresponding author.
  • Romero P, Vogel M, Diaz JM, Romero MP, * Herrera L. (2008) Anticipation in familial Lattice Corneal Dystrophy type I with R124C mutation in the TGFBI gene. Mol Vis. 14:829-35. *Corresponding author.
  • Perez-Pastene C, Graumann R, Diaz-Grez F, Miranda M, Venegas P, Godoy OT, Layson L, Villagra R, Matamala JM, Herrera L, Segura-Aguilar J. (2007) Association of GST M1 null polymorphism with Parkinson’s disease in a Chilean population with a strong Amerindian genetic component. Neurosci Lett. 418:181-185. .
  • Bravo JA, Parra CS, Arancibia S, Andres S, Morales P, Herrera-Marschitz M, Herrera L, Lara HE, Fiedler JL. (2006) Adrenalectomy promotes a permanent decrease of plasma corticoid levels and a transient increase of apoptosis and the expression of Transforming Growth Factor beta1 (TGF-beta1) in hippocampus: effect of a TGF-beta1 oligo-antisense. BMC Neurosci. 7:40- .
  • Araya AV, Rojas P, Fritsch R, Rojas R, Herrera L, Rojas G, Gatica H, Silva H, Fiedler JL. (2006) Early response to venlafaxine antidepressant correlates with lower ACTH levels prior to pharmacological treatment. Endocrine, 30(3):289-298.
  • Figueroa C, Peralta A, Herrera L, Castro P, Gutierrez A, Valenzuela J, Aguillon JC, Quera R, Hermoso MA. (2006) NOD2/CARD15 and Toll-like 4 receptor gene polymorphism in Chilean patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Eur Cytokine Netw. 17:125-30.
  • Herrera L, Ottolenghi C, Garcia-Ortiz JE, Pellegrini M, Manini F, Ko MS, Nagaraja R, Forabosco A, Schlessinger D. (2005) Mouse ovary developmental RNA and protein markers from gene expression profiling. Dev Biol. 279:271-90.

We are working to understand the diversity of the Chilean genomes!
